Hi, I'm Berwin Lan.

Sophomore at Olin College passionate about making real-world impacts with software.


I am a sophomore studying Engineering with Computing at Olin College of Engineering.

Detail-oriented software engineering student with prior experience in Python (NumPy, pandas, matplotlib), Swift (SwiftUI, ARKit, UIKit), MATLAB, and Java.


Student Researcher
  • Use Swift to build Clew Maps, an indoor navigation and route sourcing app for the blind and visually impaired
  • Collect, analyze, and visualize user and survey data with Python (pandas, Matplotlib)
  • Conduct user interviews with 25+ codesigners to inform design decisions
  • Skills: Swift (SwiftUI, ARKit, UIKit), Python (pandas, Matplotlib), UX & UI Design
  • Awarded Clare Boothe Luce research funding for Summer 2021 and AY 2021-22
June 2021 - present | Needham, MA
Project Manager
  • Manage a team of 30+ members and budget of $13K, overseeing 5 subteams and multiple R&D projects
  • Shorten the development cycle from 2 years to 9 months, holding 3 external reviews annually
  • Skills: leadership, management, budgeting
May 2021 - present | Needham, MA
Student Researcher
  • Used SolidWorks to design structural components of a six-university CubeSat to meet requirements
  • Skills: SolidWorks, project management, mechanical design
  • Publication: “Coordinating Development of the SWARM-EX CubeSat Swarm Across Multiple Institutions,” Small Satellite Conference 2021, Spring 2021
  • Publication:"3U CubeSat Structure Design and Analysis for SWARM-EX Low Earth Orbit Mission," 18th Annual CubeSat Developers Workshop, 27–29 April 2021.
  • Awarded Massachusetts Space Grant research funding for Spring 2021
Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 | Needham, MA
Course Assistant
  • Teach students skills in MATLAB during office hours and provide in-class support
  • Skills: MATLAB, teaching
Fall 2021 - present | Needham, MA
Research Intern
  • Analyzed and validated data sets using Python (NumPy, pandas, Bokeh)
  • Created and presented literature reviews and summaries for the group
  • Skills: Python, data visualization, literature review
Summer 2019 | Pasadena, CA


Clew Maps

An indoor navigation and route sourcing app for the blind and visually impaired.

  • Skills: Swift, UI & UX Design, Firebase, user research
  • Use Swift (SwiftUI, ARKit, UIKit) to implement novel route localization and cloud sharing features
Olin Gear Test Storefront

Build a prototype storefront for the college gear store, raising $1.2k over 5 days.

  • Skills: agile framework, market research, user interviews, project management
  • Identify and solve an open-ended problem in a team of 5 for Olin’s foundational entrepreneurship course
  • In a 5-day sprint, sell 293 items to 237 supporters with $1,207 in profit, conducting user and market research
Reddit Sentiment Analysis

Perform and visualize sentiment analysis on a subreddit's top comment.

  • Skills: Python (pandas, Reddit API/PRAW), NLTK, data cleaning and visualization, web scraping
  • Scraped Reddit posts, performing and visualizing sentiment analysis with Python (pandas, Reddit API)
Boba Blast!

An interactive action software game with a storyline and engaging visual design.

  • Skills: Python (Pygame), visual design
  • Build an interactive action game in Pygame using the model-view-controller framework
Eigenfaces for Housing

Using machine learning to explore the impact of race on housing appraisals on Boston-area properties in 1970.

  • Skills: MATLAB, machine learning, data visualization, linear algebra (linear regression, principal component analysis, eigendecomposition, nearest-neighbor searching)
  • Repurposed the Eigenfaces for Recognition classification algorithm to use the Boston housing dataset
  • Conclude that race-aware appraisals are more accurate than race-blind appraisals in this dataset



C++ for Arduino



Soft Skills

Conflict Resolution
Design Thinking


Olin College of Engineering

Needham, MA, USA

Degree: B.S. Engineering: Computing
GPA: 4.0

    Relevant Coursework:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Software Design
    • Principles of Integrated Engineering
    • Modeling and Simulation of the Physical World
    • Quantitative Engineering Analysis 1, 2, and 3
    • Products and Markets

